
Liebster Award #6

Well well well…!!

6 in a row in 5 months

Glad to get nominated for this prestigious Liebster Award. It’s good when people nominates you .

I want to thank my friend Nameera , the owner of Nameera Ever After

Thank you Nameera for nominating me & Thank you so much for having you in my Zone.

Guys please do visit her site for interesting stuff .

About Award:-

Guys check out this below link ,to get all the information of this award.

http://Libester Award 2018 official rules .


  • Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
  • Answer the questions asked.
  • Nominate other bloggers for this award.
  • Ask them the questions or pass it on the same questions you got.


❓What do you think happens after death?

🅰️It’s simple we go to heaven after death.

❓What’s your favorite sport?

🅰️Cricket, I love cricket.

❓What would you say to your 18 year old self? (Considering that you’re above 18, if not then choose whichever age you want to)

🅰️Just have faith and do what you’re doing now because you’re the protagonist of my story

❓Are you an insomniac? If yes, what keeps you up at night?

🅰️Not an insomniac at all. I sleep as soon as it it’s 1O or whenever I see the bed. I even sleep at noon. 😴

❓Do you think introverts are better thinkers than extroverts?

🅰️Everyone is good in their own way.

❓How would you prioritise the following (beginning from the thing that tops the list to the one that comes last) : Money – Family – Love – Career – Friends.

🅰️Family – Love – Friends – Career – Money

❓Narrate any incident that you’ll never forget.

🅰️I once tried to jump out of a Rikshaw after watching Dhoom 😂.

❓What’s your unpopular opinion?

🅰️There shouldn’t be an opinion for everything.

❓What’s your MBTI personality type?

🅰️I’m Protagonist ENFJ ( -A/-J)

❓Define adolescence in one word based on your experience.


Hope you all enjoyed my answers & didn’t got bored 😉. Thank you again Nameera for your nomination.

Same questions are pass on & I’m keeping this nomination open for everyone .

🎀Happy Blogging 🎀

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