beauty, Love Poem


Each night as I crawl into bed, your name escapes my lips.

My darling

I hope the world has been kind to you.

I hope the light touched your skin and you smiled.

I call your name, knowing you are not here to hear me.

Almost as if I hope to conjure you to my resting place.

As if my words could dance on the wind and you feel me say it.

I call your name and ask for you to hurry back to me.

To feel the gentleness of you as we lie side by side .

To touch , to breathe, to love.


©The poem zone

All Rights Reserved !!

73 thoughts on “Name”

    1. Awww Gina
      This is so beautiful words to read early mrng to ur own work !!
      I’m so thankful to u for always being with me and supporting me and mi words ❤️

      Xoxo ❤️


    1. Yesss I was facing problem while posting mi post as I don’t use to get cmnt box and I use to delete it , so datsy u was unable to read mi posts !!

      But it’s fixed and I’m good to see you here dear

      Liked by 1 person

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