Love Poem, Poem


I’m always waiting for something. A call, A text, The bus.

Something to make me feel alive something to spark that thing inside of me to feel like I’m good enough.

I’m always waiting for someone, a voice a laugh that smile

Someone to tell me I’m beautiful . Someone to remind me what it feel like to be loved.

I’m always waiting for you. Your eyes, your touch, that look.

You who see through me. You who knows everything about me and still want more.

©The Poem Zone

All Rights Reserved !!


113 thoughts on “Waiting”

  1. So beautiful. And those last few lines, yes. Oh my God, your poems are like candy. I want to read even more lol xD I’m probably going to get a tummy ache from ingesting all of this literature!

    and this was amazingly accurate to life: “I’m always waiting for something. A call, A text, The bus.”

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yaa my sketch posts must have gone little bit down😂😂
        That is why I guess you couldn’t find it out😂
        I would be posting 14th one soon in that I will link the previous as well
        And will let you know in your comments😂😂

        Liked by 1 person

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