

Writers are beautiful…..

But if you hurt us,

Our heart bleed inks

That will stain mercilessly,

We could kill you with our words

Or mend your broken heart with them.

We could place stars in your night sky or pluck them

And turn your world into total darkness

We could stab you,

With a touch of your knitted words

Or hand you a sword

& Prepare you for a fight….

One thing I dare you to do,

Fall in Love with a writer

And watch we give colors to everything

That you never thought existed before!!




©The poem Zone

All rights reserved !!

🎀Happy Blogging 🎀

125 thoughts on “Writers”

      1. My name is not Elixir. Its Surasree… This is the only place where I use that name( elixir )… Since childhood I have a fantasy character created by me who is jolly, helpful and can do magic…

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  1. I really love this, yeah if you hurt a Writer “it’s on you bro” 😂 you better prepare yourself for what’s next to come. It’s wonderful that you don’t have to hit no one physically with our hands, we hit physically with our words…

    Liked by 1 person

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